Keats Island
Tide Lines
Keats Island Tide Lines
is now being published only once per year. The volunteers have been
quite overworked...
If you want to help, please do!
For the 2008 Issue please contribute articles.
The theme will be The Pioneers of Keats Island.
In order to receive your Tide Lines - please update
your mailing address! Only those confirmed on the list since last
issue will be mailed.
24 March 2008 |
Island Tide Lines Printing May 2008
next issue of Tide Lines will be distributed at the end of May 2008.
You are invited to contribute articles about anything, past or
present, that you consider to be informative, interesting or
entertaining to fellow islanders, or to announce events planned for the
summer and fall. If you don't intend to submit an article but think
that someone you know might, please pass this on.
This issue aims to feature the pioneers of
old, and not so old,
who have left their mark on the island. If you don't have a
complete story but pictures of the past that you are able to identify,
submit them for publication.
Articles and photographs must be received by
Monday, May 5th at the
latest. Please advise the editor of your intention to submit material
for publication at your earliest convenience
Call or e-mail the editor,
Reinhard Derreth at 604 926-8765
Keats Island Tide Lines is published as a
source of information
on island issues and events and as literary contribution to
island life. Contributions to content are voluntary and the information
and opinions presented are those of the contributors. The Editor, or
anyone else involved in the production of the publication, do not
assume responsibility for opinions expressed, for the accuracy of the
information provided, or for errors incurred in production. The editor
reserves discretion to use or not use material submitted for
publication, or to edit material with the consent of the contributor.
Keats Island Tide Lines Newsletter is
a community service that
is published once
per year in
May. It focuses on the history,
current events and issues of concern to Keats Island.
Tide Lines is mailed free of charge to all Keats Island property
owners. It is also provided free to the advertisers
and many government agencies. Voluntary annual $5 subscriptions
are also available.
If you would like to contribute news items, poems, issues of concern,
funny stuff, photos or whatever you deem to be suitable, please contact
Reinhard Derreth. To make payments please
contact Glen Young. |
Back Issues:
The Eastbourne News
Volume 1 Number 1 June 1994
1. Read All About It!
2. Bake Sale Biergarten & BBQ Fishing Derby
2. Maple Beach Access
3. Eastbourne Classifieds
Volume 1 Number 2 July 1994
1. The Derelict
Vehicle Project
1. News of the Fishing Derby Saturday August 6
2. Eastbourne Water System Update
3. Parking at Keats Landing to be Resolved
3. Vandals Strike at Maple Beach
4. Letters to the News
5. The Notebook
5. PNE Prize Home
6. The Writers' Page:
- A Tale forKids
- Sunday July 7
7. Living the good life - At Eastbourne
- Recipes
- Gardening Corner
8. The Un-Classified Ads
9. The Keats Crossword
Island Tide Lines
Volume 1 Number 1 Summer
Does anyone still have this issue?
I wasn't on the new mailing list yet...
Don't you miss an issue.
Update your contact info here!
Volume 1 Number 2
Winter 1995
1. RCMP Community
Outreach for Keats Island
1. Keats Docks Not For Sale
2. Fire at Eastbourne
3. "We Want to Get Married at Keats"
3. Melody Point
4. ECA Now Meets Twice a Year
5. News from the Keats Island Cottagers' Association
6. Islands Trust Report
8. Water. Water Everywhere and many a Drop to
Drink: Eastbourne's Pump House Dug Well
12. Testing the Waters
13. Fighting Fire in Eastbourne
15. Third Annual Maple Beach Salmon Barbeque
16. Keats Island Hiking Map II
17. Deer Hunting on Keats Island
18. Quilt 95
18. Mary Hickman
19. Keats Kids Fishing Derby
22. Need a Game?
22. Soup's On!
23. Flotsam & Jetsam
23. Rich Pieces from History |
Volume 2 Number 1 Summer
1. Keats Access:
Changes Underway
1. Island-Wide Meeting Planned
3. Eastbourne Cottagers Meet
4. Opportunity to Clean Up Eastbourne Again
5. Protect Your Land Forever
(and you may get a tax break)
5. Langdale Parking
6. Letters and Opinions
8. Memories of Summers Past at Keats Landing
11. Plumper Cove Kayakers
11. Melody Pointers
12. East Beach Well Report
12. Saving and Storing H2O
14. Water Treatment - A Primer
15. Eastbourne Fire Fighting Update
15. Keats Advisory Planning Group
16. A Rainy Day Activity
16. Un-Classified Ads
17. Sea Kayaking
18. Wedding Bells ... Er ... Pipes at Eastbourne
19. Birds & Bees & Dogs & Cats...
20. Cookbook Sampler
21. A Healthy Start
22. The World's a Mess. There's Only One Cure
23. Flotsam & Jetsam
Volume 2 Number 2
Winter 1996
1. Keats Islanders
1. Wharf Planning Needs Long Term Perspective
4. Keats Landing Wharf
4. Docks For Sale
5. BC Ferries Update
6. Eastbourne Cottagers Association
7. Andy's Beach Community Stair Project
8. Celebrating 70 Years
9. Letters & Opinion
11. Childhood Memories of Eastbourne
12. Eastbourne Fire Department Update
13. The Eastbourne Gardening Club
(Beer Gardening That Is)
15. Honeymoon to Retirement at Eastbourne
16. Thank You (Betty Pay)
17. Memories of Summers at Keats Landing
18. Un-Classified Ads
19. Beware of Alien Invaders
20. Llama Drama
21. Word Search
22. Quilters Corner
22. Autum Surprise Cake
22. Are You Ticklish?
23. Flotsam & Jetsam
Volume 3 Number 1 Summer
1. Wharves Future
Under Review
1. Eastbourne Moves Closer to Integrated Water
2. SCRD Port Transfer Feasbility Study
3. East Beach Well Update
4. BC
Ferries Community Service Notice
Update on Dogwood Princess II Service
6. Islands Trust Report
10. Eastbourne Fire Fighting Update
11. Second Chance to Clean Up Eastbourne
12. Un-Classified Ads
13. "North of the Wharf"
16. Keats Time
17. More Memories of Days Gone By
19. 111 Years Ago
20. Wild Things
21. Weekend Getaways
22. Headline Hazards
22. Summer Heat
23. Flotsam & Jetsam
Volume 3 Number 2
Winter 1997
1. Island Planning
Group Meets
1. Golf Carts are a Go with ICBC
3. Wharf Divesture Update
4. Update From BC Ferries Extra Service
To Eastbourne Dogwood Princess II Update
5. Eastbourne Water Update
6. Keats Island at the Crossroads:
Where do we go from here?
10. Point
of View
11. Melody Pointers
13. One Way to Learn Seaqmanship
14. Its a Fact:
14, Un-Classified Ads
15. A Lifetime of Memories
16. Eastbourne's Annual Beer Garden Party
17. Island Verse
18. Deer Proof Plants
19. Oh Deer, What Can the Matter Be?
21. Soup and Muffins
22. Amaze Your Friends!
22. Glorious Any Time
23. Flotsam & Jetsam |
Volume 4 Number 1 Summer
1. RCMP Increase
Island Patrols
2. Governent Docks Move Slowly
3. Eastbourne Crime Prevention
5. Winter Days on Keats
5. ECA Meeting Notes
5. New Buildings in Plumper Cove
6. Notes From Melody Point
7. Islands Trust: Advisory Group Meets
14. Island Newborn
15. ECA Water Committee Update
16. Eastbourne Beer & Wine Garden
17. Eastbourne Fire Fighting Update
18. Watch Those Water PRessure Tanks
18. Un-Classified Ads
19. A Tragedy Took Place on a Far Off Airfield
21. Pick a Picnic
22. The Joy of Creative Cooking
23. Flotsam & Jetsam
Volume 4 Number 2
Winter 1998
1. Garbage Bins
Given Notice
1. BC Feries Shops For a New Princess
2. Stolen Dynamite recovered
3. Wharf Divestiture Update
4. Ask Now to Cote in Horseshoe Bay
4. Summer '98 at Melody Point
5. Gibson's Landing News
7. Protect Natural Areas and Save Taxes
9. Horseshoe Bay Parking
9. Maple Beach Memories
10. Water Supply to Eastbourne Continues to Improve
11. Keats Landing News
12. Barnabas Builds
13. Workshopping for a Good Cause
14. ECA Dues Rise
15. Keats ISland Advisory Planning Group Meets
20. Serious Eastbourne Fire
20. Naval Exchnge
21. 'Tis The Season (Puzzle)
22. Here Comes the Bride
22.News From "Away"
23. Mmmmmm... Soup
23. Flotsam and Jetsam
Volume 5 Number 1 Summer
1. Government Docks
Still on the Block
1. Garbage Bins Find a New Home
3. Election 99
4. Gibsons Landing News
4. Keats Landing Ramp
6. New Boating Rules in Effect
7. Stormy Weather
8. To Do List (and Why)
9. Eastbourne Water Works
10. Horseshoe Bay Parking
10. Public Moorage for Keats Island
11. Dogwood Princess Update
12. Keats Island Advisory Planning Group Meets
16. Kenneth A. Pay 1924 - 1999
16. Off the Beaten Track
17. Windows to the Past
18. ECA Moving to Keats
19. First Annual Robbie Burns' Supper
20. This Ghost Story is the Real Thing, Honest
21. Summer Projects (Puzzle)
22. Why Engineers Don't Write Cookbooks
23. Flotsam and Jetsam
Volume 5 Number 2
Winter 1999
1. Keats Votes
November 20
1. Natural Area Park Zone
3. Three in the Running for Area F Director
4. Gibsons Landing News
6. BC Ferries Report
7. Islands Trust Updates
10. Island Road Repair and Maintenance Plans
11. Annual Clean-Up Project Still Looking for Support
12. Keatsock: Peace & Love Still in Style
14. Looking Back, Near and Far
15. South Shore Gatherings
15. Plumper Cove Update
16. New Bird Watching / Raquet Club Launched
17. Water & Funds Flow
18. Grounwater Protection
18. Eastbourne Water Notes
19. Keats Island Trails
20. Leaseholders Annual Potluck Dinner
21. Fun And Games (Puzzle)
22. Eastbourne Community Association Updates
22. Unclassified Ads
23. Flotsam & Jetsam
Volume 6 Number 1 Summer
1. Keats ISland
Cleans Up
4. Ports Divestiture Update
4. RCMP Investigating Extreme Vandalism
6. ICBC Rates Reduced for Vehicles Used on Keats
7. Keats Island Planning Review Begins
8. Keats Island Days Gone By
11. Flora and Fauna of Keats Island
12. News From the Sunshine Coast Regional District
12. November Election results
13. Keats Island Advisory Planning Group Meetings
18. Community Wood Chopping Event Nets
Tables / Chairs for Rent
18. A new Destination For Walkers
19. Melody Point Teamwork
19. BC Ferries News
20. Keats Landing Subdivision Update
20. Eastbourne Water Commitee Clarifies Policy
21. Yellow Dinghy Stories
24. Keats is for Kids... Even in the Winter
25. Grandparenting
25. ECA Fire Commitee
26. Eastbourne Dock Repair
27. Origins of Camping at Keats Landing
28. Keats Daydreaming
29. Round We Go (Puzzle)
Volume 6 Number 2
Winter 2000
1. Islanders
Overwhlemingly Approve Ports
2. Dawn Rae McLaren Moves on and She'll be a
Tough Act to Follow!
4. Keats Island Website (www.keatsisland,net)
Under Devlopment
6. Melody Point Up-Date
7. Eastbourne Water System Update
7. Eastbourne Water Custodian's Report
8. Musical Bears
9. Keats Connections
9. A Russian Journey
11. There's an Olympian Amongst Us!
12. Eastbourne Fire Department Newsletter
13. A Pilgrimage to Santiago
15. Party Goers "Rock on Water"
16. My First Trip to Eastbourne
17. Eastbourne Crib Tournament - Y2K
17. Dogwood Princess II Experiences Significant
Traffic Increase
18. Eastbourne Community Takes the Lead
18. Keats Island Planning Review Process
19. Are We Doing Enough to Protect Our Drinking Water Sources?
20. Keats Islanders Take On Recycle Challenge
21. Why Llamas?
22. Web Weavers
23. Cook's Corner
The Keats Island Cookbook Requires 100 More
23. Eastbourne Summer Bake Sale "A Piece of Cake"!
Volume 8 Number 1 Summer
2. SCRD Sponsored
Water System
2. ECA/SCRD Water Partnership
3. Dogwood Princess News
4. Ferry Update
5. Eastbourne Fire Department Notice
6. Another Derby
7. Tall Ships
8. Another 'User Pay'
9. News From Gambier Island
9. News From Barnabas
10. Area F Report
11. Area F Issues for the Election
13. Trust Council Meeting on Keats
13. Property Tax Exemptions
14. Keats Island Planning Review
15. Bylaw Investigation Services
17. Islands Trust and Minister Reid Talk Ferries
18. I Found a New "Kietz"
18. Bragging Rights
18. Good Old Fashioned Hymn Sing
18. Notes
19. Un-Classified Ads
19. Keats Island Recycling
19. Tide Lines Policy
19. Late News
Volume 8 Number 2
Winter 2002
2. New Water
Treatment Plant
2. Dogwood Princess / Route 13 Update
4. Eastbourne Community Association Update
6. Keats Kids Fishing Derby
7. 2002 On the Benson's Ten Acres
8. 2002 Crib Tournament Winner
9. News From Barnabas Family Ministries
9. Life at the Farm
11. Buy It or Lose It (Coast Guard Auxillary)
11. The historic Keats Island Swim
12. Keats ISland Planning Review Update
13. Melody Pointers Deal With Density
14. Getting to Keats in the Early Days
15. Five Dollars Got Lost
16. Our Website Remorphed
18. Goblins Abound
18. A Book Review
18. Editorial
18. Upcoming Events
Volume 9 Number 1 Summer
Volume 9 Number 2
Winter 2003
2. Update on the
Eastbourne Water Sysytem
2. Eastbourne Community Association Update
4. Islands Trustee Report
6. Keats Kids Fishing Derby
7. A lucky Day
8. Melody Point Community Update
9. Keats Camps "Off Season"
9. From Barnabas Family Ministries
11. 3rd Annual Pitman Lamb Roast
12 For the Love of Blueberries
13. Raven Stories Anyone?
13. Life at the Farm
15. Benson Golden Anniversary
15. Silver Medal For Island Man
16. Summer End Kegger
18. Fred Bingham
18. Walker of the Year Award
18. How Lucky Can We Get
19. Keats Island Cookbooks
19. Editorial
Volume 10 Number 1 Summer 2004
Volume 10 Number 2
Winter 2004
2. A Good Year for
the Eastbourne Water System
2. Eastbourne Water Advisory Commitee Expands
3. Eastbourne Community Association Update
3. Eastbourne Community Association Report on
Maple Beach Meeting
6. SCRD Dock Safety Rules and Regulations
9. The Eastbourne Kids Fishing Derby
9. Pegged to the Wall
9. Icy Plunge 1/05
10/11. Eastbourne Summer Events Color Photo
12. Melody Point Community
12. Up a Tree
13. Keats Camps New Digs
14. Take Action, Be Emergency Prepared
15. Rescue From the Island
16. Passing By - Or Not
16. A Job Well Done
18. Life at the Farm
18. Island Gold
18. The Rush for the Bins
19. And Now the Shores
19. Keats Island Website
19. Letters to the Editor |
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